Emma Thompson voices for the victims in this moving emotional piece for Human Trafficking Awareness. Human trafficking differs from people smuggling. In the latter, people voluntarily request smuggler’s service for fees and there may be no deception involved in the (illegal) agreement. On arrival at their destination, the smuggled person is usually freed. On the other hand, the trafficking victim is enslaved, or the terms of their debt bondage are highly exploitative. The trafficker takes away the basic human rights of the victim.
This Public Service Announcement shows the Oscar-winning British actress, Emma Thompson, mouthing the words of real-life human trafficking victims — male and female; sex slaves, forced labourers, and children press-ganged into carrying guns.
The PSA was produced by Linx Productions on behalf of the UN-led Global Initiative Against Human Trafficking — www.ungift.org. The video is airing on leading international TV news channels, including CNN, Al Jazeera, and Deutsche Welle.