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Why Labor Trafficking Matters (1:35)

This collaborative video celebrates the voices of anti-labor trafficking providers during National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Framework encourages providers across the anti-trafficking community to join us in the new year and focus their programming on inclusive human trafficking response.

For more information on labor trafficking and to sign up for our event visit us at


Open Your Eyes (extended) – HeardPSA (1:11)

For 2017’s “My Freedom Day”, CNN collaborated with the ‘Global Sustainability Network’ calling on film makers from all around the world to create powerful Public Service Announcements (PSAs) relating to Human Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery – an initiative called HeardPSA. Watch It, Confront It, Open Your Eyes. This PSA pertains to Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery within South Africa.


Human Trafficking Awareness / Video PSA by Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson voices for the victims in this moving emotional piece for Human Trafficking Awareness. Human trafficking differs from people smuggling. In the latter, people voluntarily request smuggler’s service for fees and there may be no deception involved in the (illegal) agreement. On arrival at their destination, the smuggled person is usually freed. On the other hand, the trafficking victim is enslaved, or the terms of their debt bondage are highly exploitative. The trafficker takes away the basic human rights of the victim.

This Public Service Announcement shows the Oscar-winning British actress, Emma Thompson, mouthing the words of real-life human trafficking victims — male and female; sex slaves, forced labourers, and children press-ganged into carrying guns.

The PSA was produced by Linx Productions on behalf of the UN-led Global Initiative Against Human Trafficking — The video is airing on leading international TV news channels, including CNN, Al Jazeera, and Deutsche Welle.

America’s Daughters (4:00)

America’s Daughters is a powerful piece of spoken word written and performed by a female survivor of sex trafficking. Through her words, we gain a brief glimpse into the unbelievable exploitation so many people have endured while yearning for what we all need: LOVE. This woman’s brave decision to speak out also demonstrates the remarkable resilience of the survivors Polaris Project serves every day. Join survivors in the fight to end human trafficking. Go to
Produced and Directed by: William Caballero and Kate Keisel.


#DoesYourHotelKnow is an awareness campaign by ECPAT-USA that alerts hotels and travelers alike to educate themselves about the signs of sex trafficking, with a call to action. Check out the campaign here:

Truckers Against Trafficking Training Video

Truckers Against Trafficking engages the trucking industry in the fight against child sex trafficking and exploitation. This initiative exists to inspire and enlist the over 3 million US truckers to become watchmen/woman for trafficked children along the US highways and truck stops. The media is paired with TAT training materials and wallet cards for the truckers. The media is featured by trucking companies, safety directors, at driving schools, trucking shows and expos, etc.



This PSA was created for the jumbo-tron at the Homestead-Miami Speedway. It will play 36 times during the upcoming NASCAR Ford Championship weekend. Large sporting events like this one attract human traffickers who sell young girls and women for sex. We are excited for the opportunity to spread awareness about this issue to NASCAR fans!



US Customs and Border Protection – English version of the No Te Engañes (Don’t Be Fooled campaign)

“To Build a Home”

Made By Survivors works to bring children rescued from slavery into safe, love-filled shelter homes like this one, operated by our partner Women’s Interlink Foundation. These children, through empowerment, education and employment, now have a future of freedom. The need is great and Made By Survivors is spearheading an initiative to build a new shelter for slavery survivors in Darjeeling. Please watch this short film and pass it on to those you love. Help give the gift of Freedom.

“To Build A Home” courtesy of Patrick Watson and Intrigue Music. PSA produced by Slavery Today.


“Girls Going Wild in Red Light District”

So you think you will dance? Sometimes things are not what they seem. Men, women and children are trafficked – tricked, forced and exploited in the sex industry. Awareness campaign created by Duval Guillaume Modem and produced by monodot in support of STOP THE TRAFFIK.



Transnational organized crime is a global concern. Generating around US$ 870 billion a year, organized criminal networks profit from the sale of illegal goods wherever there is a demand and represent a threat to peace, human security and prosperity.

This video-spot is part of a UNODC-led campaign highlighting the various aspects of transnational organized crime. Follow the conversation on Twitter through @UNODC and by using #TOC.


“Slavery Today”

This film by Anti-Slavery International focuses on modern forms of slavery which affect over 12 million people worldwide. It features footage shot in Niger and the Philippines, and interviews with those directly affected by slavery practices.


“South Africa: Human Trafficking is Slavery”

Thousands of women are trafficked every year in their hopes of finding a better life abroad. IOM works hard to empower women and other people vulnerable to trafficking.

IOM’ s anti-trafficking campaign video won the Best Overall Award at South Africa’s 9th MultiChoice VUKA! Awards.


“What’s Behind the Things We Buy?”

Some of the everyday products you find at your local shopping centre may have been produced by people working in sub-human conditions for little or no pay. As a consumers, you can make a difference. Ask your retailer “What’s behind the things we buy?” to trace the origin of products and help ensure that supply chains are free of trafficked and forced labour.


“Dreams of Haiti’s Rescued Child Slaves”

Haiti has 300,000 retaveks, young children sent to live as domestic slaves for better-off families. Many are sexually exploited. UNESCO Special Envoy for Haiti Michaëlle Jean and film maker Claudel “Zaka” Chery ask rescued children to share their dreams.

“Now You Know”

Now You Know is an anti-slavery public service announcement (PSA) that addresses three forms of human trafficking: commercial sexual exploitation of both males and females, domestic servitude and forced labour in the supply chain of everyday products such as coffee. The 2-minute video was produced by film students at Hothouse Productions, Boston University College of Communication. Now You Know was devised in close collaboration with the client, The NO Project, a global anti-slavery public awareness initiative.


“Human Trafficking Servitude”

The Clearwater Police Department, the Clearwater/Tampa Bay Area Task Force on Human Trafficking, St. Petersburg College and their partners have released public service announcements in an effort to continue to increase public awareness about human trafficking.

“Warning Signs”

This short animated film highlights the strategies that traffickers use to lure victims into slavery and the warning signs to look out for. Victims of trafficking are modern-day slaves, forced, defrauded, or coerced into various forms of labour or prostitution. It happens everyday, in countries all around the world.


“Sunita Multi-Purpose”

‘’Sunita’’ PSA is treated like a kitsch shopping channel advertisement. The promo highlights the various aspects of a product – in this case Sunita – an Indian domestic helper. The idea focuses heavily on the comedic value of the kitsch shopping channel infomercial to create an emotional response.



This PSA reveals how easy it is to be tricked into becoming a victim of human trafficking, no matter where you are from, your level of educational attainment, or your economic background.



This PSA reveals how easy it is to be tricked into becoming a victim of human trafficking, no matter where you are from, your level of educational attainment, or your economic background.



A PSA produced for MTV EXIT campaign to raise awareness of human trafficking in the European region.